Magic Theory Resources
Where do I start?
Learning magic theory gives you a new lens to view magic with. Whether you are a hobbyist, performer, or creator, learning why magic works will elevate your magic.
Magic and Showmanship by Henning Nelms - This book gives you the tools to formulate a routine and develop your performance character.
Sleights of Mind by Stephen Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde
Beyond Deception, Vol. 1: The Theory and Practice of Creating Original Magic by Tobias Beckwith
Beyond Deception, Volume 2: From the Wizard's Corner by Tobias Beckwith
Foundations: Art of Stage Magic by Eberhard Riese
Stand-up: A Professional Guide to Comedy Magic by Ian Keable
Card College Vol 2 by Roberto Giobbi - This book specifically has a great section on theory.